Spring Edition 2019


Is there anything better than sitting out in your own back garden surrounded by the sights, smells and sounds of Spring? As May quickly approaches, we share some top tips on getting your outdoor space ready for the warmer days and lighter evenings!

Watch out for late frosts and remember to protect tender plants.

Planting out summer bedding can be done around the end of May once temperatures are on a steady rise. Remember to regularly hoe off weeds, and lift and divide over crowded clumps of spring flowering bulbs.

Check for nesting birds before clipping hedges.

Time to brush and paint the woodwork and make the most of your watering

Use a still bristle brush or pressure washer to remove algae. Then wait for a dry day to treat/ stain timber structures. Don’t forget to give your shed a spring clean at the same time!

Water early/ late in the day to make the most out of your watering. Use recycled water where possible. Now is a great time to start looking at water butts for your garden!

It’s now time to get back in to a lawn mowing routine:

Don’t forget to share your gardening adventures with us on social media by using the hashtag #WHGarden